My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Friday, November 15, 2013

My crazy life

Things keep getting more and more crazy around here now-a-days!! Must be the holiday season, because I just can't believe how frazzled I've felt lately!

Emma is trying "solids" for the first time. So that's all kinds of interesting. She isn't fond of carrots or sweet potatoes, but she LOVES peas!! I couldn't get them to her fast enough. She would just start yelling at me for taking too long to add food to the spoon and get it to her. I had to keep the bowl basically right by her face and kind of shovel it in! LOL But seriously. The doc said we should stay with the "yellow" veggies for right now. Carrots, squash, sweet potatoes. That kind of thing. But Emma just doesn't like them. Which kind of makes sense because she wouldn't let me have ANYTHING sweet when I was pregnant with her. I'm hoping she learns to like all veggies. I think we're on a good path though, because I don't know too many babies that like peas....

Emma is also teething. So that's TONS of fun. Not. Poor thing is soo uncomfortable. And there's not too much I can do to make it go away. We have tons of those teether things in the freezer. Heck, I even put a binkie in the freezer hoping it would help!! She is just so pitiful. She wants to be held, thinking Mommy will make it all better. And I want nothing more than to take that pain away. Being a baby is TOUGH! Sure, you get every one doing things for you, but your body is fighting you all the time. And you can't make it better. You can't tell anyone what exactly hurts. It's just not fair!

Emma is already trying to crawl. Tonight she started the "rock"--that stage where she kind of has herself up on her arms and legs and is rocking back and forth like she wants to crawl. And she is SO MUCH like her dad. She gets so frustrated when she doesn't accomplish something right away. Okay, maybe that's like me too. LOL But you can just see it in her eyes, in the way she sets her mouth all firm and stern. She WANTS TO CRAWL, Dag-um it!

And yes, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Which means Christmas is close. Which means it will be That. Much. Harder getting out of my neighborhood with the mall traffic. And we have so many people left to buy for. I don't want to put it off until it's too late, but there just never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done.

So those are all the crazy new things in my life right now. And let me tell you...

I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way!! 

I Love My Life. 

I Love My Boyfriend & Daughter. 

I Love My Family & Friends. 

I have an amazing life that I am so grateful for. I am thankful I get to sleep surrounded by people who mean the most to me. When I go to bed at night, I have my guy on my right, sleeping soundly (& snoring LOUDLY! LOL). And my daughter in her Rock N Play by my bed on my left. I am literally surrounded by Love every night. And nothing could ever beat that.

This is me at like 6-ish months. I think Emma looks a lot like me here!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Christmas Gift/Wish List

So a lot of people have already started asking what we would like for Emma to have for Christmas. I figured I could start a post that would be updated periodically. So here goes:
  • Disney Movies in DVD. Right now we have Peter Pan, Little Mermaid, Beauty & The Beast, Ella, Ella Enchanted, Free Willy 1 2 & 3, Great Mouse Detective, Hercules, Hook, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Matilda, Mulan, The Never Ending Story, Rescuers & Rescuers Down Under, Robin Hood, & Space Jam.
  • Those plastic bowls & Travel cups/containers. She's starting to eat now and soon we'll be doing those snack and things. Well, relatively soon. Better to have them on hand then be scrounging around at the last minute.
  • Winter Clothes in 6-9 months. Spring clothes in 9 months. And yes, some summer clothes, but we need more long sleeve shirts for her.
  • Books for her library. Any of the Golden Books would be amazing! They just take my guy and I back to our childhood.
  • Diapers: Size 2 or 3 preferably. She's already 14lbs & the Size 2s go up to 18 lbs.; & Wipes
  • A Bath Caddy or net. 
  • Those music things that go on the side of the crib. Ones you don't have to wind up every 30 seconds, but play continuously.
  • An amber teething necklace
  • A Toy Chest. 
That's it for now. I'll try to add to it as we get closer & figure out more what we need. I'll also remove things when I'm told someone bought them for her. So please let me know.

Obviously we don't expect anything. And we can't wait to see the surprises for Em. I just know a lot of people are already asking to get ahead of the game (Smart People!!)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

4 month dr visit

This is going to be a short one. Just a quick update on how her 4 month visit went.

So here are the stats:
  • She's 14lbs 0.0oz. (That almost NEVER happens, according to the assistant!) That puts her in the 51st percentile in weight.
  • She's 25" long. That puts her in the 69th percentile in height. 
  • Her head circumference is 41.5cm. That puts her in the 59th percentile. 
She is moving along amazingly and just perfect.

That being sad, she definitely has a temper. We were taken back to the office/room at 10 to 10am and the assistant did all the measurements. He left right at 10am, which was our appointment time. Then we waited. And waited. And waited. Finally the doctor came at 10:45am. Emma was none too pleased about it. After she did her exam--which includes her moving Emma's legs to check her joints and Emma HATES that! When we were finally done, I was holding Emma and Emma balled up her fist by her side and GROWLED AT THE DOC! It was hilarious! Good thing we have such a good doc who laughed it off.

She took her shots as good as could be expected. I absolutely hate doing that to her. And she has been having a rough go of it. She just feels so crummy and I feel even worse for her. Poor baby girl.

Okay, so that's her update! Next shots are at her 6month appointment. Hopefully Mommy won't cry in front of Emma!! (I seriously HATE doing this to her)

Before the shots: Happy Baby.....
...After the shots: Miserable!! (We both were)

Things Emma can do now

I can't believe my baby is already 4 months old! Time is flying by. I don't know whether I am happy about this or devastated! Probably a little of both.

I mean, I love watching her learn new things and discover new things. But at the same time, every day older she gets, every new thing she learns, takes her one day further from my "baby." I mean, she's already developing her own definite personality.

But anyways, here are some of the new things Emma does now:
  • She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. Seriously. Everything. If she can get even a little piece of something near her mouth, she will try to get it IN her mouth! Makes me kinda nervous.
  • She sits in a high chair. And likes it! We set ours up last night so she could sit in it while we carved pumpkins. And she loved it. She didn't fuss at all. She played and was content the whole time.
  • She smiles all the time. I mean, she's always been a fairly happy baby. But now there are things that just crack her up. She still loves the popping noise and the clacking noise, but she is discovering all sorts of sounds and deciding which she likes and which she doesn't.
  • She love music. She will grab for my phone when I put the music on so it is closer to her. (And then she'll try to put it in her mouth! LOL) She also calms down immediately when I put the music on. 
  • She will try to "lift" herself up. Seriously. When we had her in her stroller while we were trick or treating, I went to grab her from it at the first house. She kind of pushed herself away from the stroller and tried to get up. She's done it a few times too. Usually when someone is trying to get her to hold her. She likes to make that as easy on a person as possible! LOL
  • I really think she is teething, or starting to at least.
  • She tried "real food" for the first time. And I have to say that it felt amazing to be the one to make her food. It was simple: I just cooked 2 sweet potatoes, added a tiny bit of butter and salt/pepper, and used the baby bullet until it was mushy. She's not loving it yet, but I hear that's normal. Tomorrow we're going to get some peas and carrots, maybe some other potatoes. I think she may not like sweets, honestly. I couldn't tolerate anything sweet when I was pregnant, so that may have something to do with it. We'll see. We'll also be getting some Rice Cereal and maybe even those cookie things, just to have on hand. 

This is my Shocked face!

Emmaleigh Grace

Emmaleigh Grace