My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Monday, February 4, 2013

Today's little snip-its

Sleeping is getting to be kind of difficult. I mean, if I sleep for more than 3 hours consecutively, it's a miracle. Lately I've been waking up around 12:30am every night with this... Ball... kind of like a ball of pressure in my way-lower back. Does anyone understand? It's weird. No maneuvering, no adjusting, nothing will alleviate that ache. I don't know what to do. I sleep about 3 hours, wake up with this knot in my back, and am up for the next 3 hours. Makes getting up and going at 4:30am very difficult.

Then today I just had a total id-jut moment. I was driving home and talking to my grandmother on my cell. I started thinking and remember that my cell was really low on battery last I looked. So I found my car charger, plugged it in...and proceeded to search (frantically) for my "lost" cell phone. You know... the one I was still on talking to my grandmother!?!? Wow...

I'm either more tired than I thought or this baby brain is starting to kick in! LOL

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Emmaleigh Grace

Emmaleigh Grace