Today you are 53 days old. I'm sitting here holding you while you sleep. You are so perfect to me. You are looking less & less like the baby I gave birth to and more & more like your own little person. I am so excited to watch you grow into this person you will become! But I also want to remember everything about the baby you were.
Your hair: You were born with a head *FULL* of blonde hair! Everyone who sees you thinks you have to be older than I tell them just because of all your hair! And it is the exact same shade as your Daddy's. Trust me. I had him hold you up so your heads were side by side; I couldn't tell which hair belonged to whom!
Your eyes: Now *those* you got from me! I have to say, that might be the only thing, but honey they look good on you! They are dark blue/grey like mine are and they are shaped just like my dad's-your Poppy's. You didn't like to show them off when you were born, which is why people were always saying "Show me your eyes." And why they always "Awww'd" when you would open them. It was just so rare. Now-a-days though, you are alert. You actually fight sleep sometimes just to see what's going on. I love looking at your eyes because I see someone who is so inquisitive.
Your mouth & tongue: You and your tongue!! Honey, from the FIRST MINUTE you were born, you were playing with that tongue. You stick it out at people. You have it "stuck" to the roof of your mouth. When you sleep, you have a little bit sticking out, every time. It is adorable! Now-a-days you smile the biggest smile I have EVER seen on a baby. You laugh and talk all the time. Except when I put the camera on you. Then you clam up some. I have a few videos of you talking away, but not as many as I could. Because you'll be chattering away and I'll think it's so cute and get my camera out; the second I hit "RECORD" you stop! haha
Your hands & arms: Baby girl, those things have been your comfort since you were in my belly. Every time we would go to get an ultrasound and try to get a picture of you, you would have your hands either in front of your face or right by it. It was the same once you were born. I actually had to tell the nurse when she swaddled you to leave your hands out, or you would actually fuss more! When we brought you home, we noticed you would do this little "praying" thing with them. I made sure the photographer at your 1week session got a shot of it. You still have at least one hand up by your face when you sleep, but now you are reaching out for things more. You also have such a STRONG grip! From the minute you were born, everyone commented on how strong you were. You could pull yourself up by wrapping your hand around someone's finger. You have the LONGEST fingers too! But they are still so delicate. And you have perfect fingernails. You could be a hand model with how perfectly shaped your fingers and fingernails are. :)
Your legs & feet: Baby girl, from the day you were born you had some BIG feet! But it was your legs that everyone noticed. See baby, you had the strongest legs I have ever seen on a baby. Even when you were in the hospital, you would use those legs and push off of people. The day we brought you home, we put you on your play mat. Within a minute or so, you had scooched up all on your own. You Daddy was right beside you on the floor and he kept saying he had never seen that before. He was so proud of his strong baby girl. He still is. You rolled over from your belly to your back at 3weeks, just using your legs!
Your favorite things: You love fans. I mean love LOVE fans! If there is a ceiling fan nearby, you will find it. And stare. And laugh. We don't know why, but they crack you up! I have so many videos of you looking up & laughing at the ceiling fan. Your daddy & I have even taken to calling every fan "Your Fan." Ha ha
You also like to swing. You didn't at first but now it makes you happy. Your big swing puts you right to sleep. It has a mobile and lights which you stare at.
You can't wait for bath time. I don't know how, but you seem to know when it is almost 9pm because you start to fuss. The second I turn on the bath water, you calm down. If I leave the bathroom with you to set up for bed, you get fussy again. But baby, once I put you in the tub you are in HEAVEN!! You kick and splash and laugh and coo. You love having your hair washed. But you also know when it's been about 15minutes. You know after your bath you get a "baby massage" where I massage the Johnson's Lavender bath time lotion into your legs and arms and hands and feet. You laugh the most when it tickles your feet. You also love to eat right after your bath and massage. I think you inherited my love of routines because if this gets messed up you get fussy.
You love spending time with Daddy. Even early on you knew when he left and would get upset. Sometimes I had to call him and put him on speakerphone so that you could hear his voice. It was the only thing that would calm you down. Baby girl, you are so much like your Daddy. I can't wait to see how your personality develops. If you grow more like him, or adopt some of my traits.
So here you go: my letter to you so you always know the amazing baby you were. Happy Day 53!
Love, Mommy & Daddy
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53 Days Old! |
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