My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Milestones and Hoop Jumping

I know it's been a while since I posted, but there's a lot going on. At the same time there's nothing "really" new going on. Every day is sort of the same.

Emma gets up around 3 or 4am to eat. If it's a good night, then she'll eat and go right to sleep after a little rocking. Then she'll wake up again about 7:30 to eat again. We'll stay up in bed for a while: her watching fan and me watching Good Morning America. Around 9, we head downstairs to watch Windy City Live and The View. She'll sit in her Rock N Play (our current Godsend) while I run around the house doing come clean up. Bed made. Dishes unloaded and/or reloaded. Laundry switched over. Sometimes some vacuuming. I don't really like the 11am news so I usually feed Emma around that time. Also if I can get to it or if there is work I can do, then usually I work on stuff for my mom starting around then. The Chew comes on around 12noon, so that plays in the background while I work. My boyfriend comes home from work around 3pm. He'll play with Emma for a bit before he goes to the gym with his brother. I start to get dinner ready around 4:30 or so. Sometimes I'll plan ahead and have a dinner that cooks all day. Then her Daddy gets home. We eat dinner, watch TV or a movie... Then we start getting Emma ready for bed. She gets a bath around 9:15. She *LOVES* her bath! She likes it really warm. But she knows what comes after the bath, so towards the end (right around 9:30) she gets fussy and is just done with the bath. I take her to our room, towel her dry and give her a "baby massage" - I rub Johnson's Nighttime Lavender lotion on her. I massage her feet, stretch her arms and legs, make sure she's comfortable. Then she gets her bedtime "snack." I rock her in our bed until she falls asleep; usually about 10:30pm. Then it's quiet until she gets up at 3am. Pretty standard!

So that's our typical day. Of course, we sometimes have doctor appointments. Sometimes we have a party to go to. Sometimes I have one of her grandmas watch her so they get time with her.

Then there are the recent milestones. On July 23rd, Emma rolled from her belly to her back. I didn't get video of it though. And she didn't do it again... Until last week. On Tuesday, August 6th she again rolled from her belly to her back! Here's the video. (Sorry about her crying. She doesn't like to be on her belly, but she was so close to doing it and I knew she could so I let her.

Another thing: She is now aware of her mommy and daddy. She recognizes us. When she wakes up now, she will smile and coo at me. It's so much fun watching her in the mornings just be so happy. She is also obsessed with ceiling fans. Well it appears she likes all types of fans because she recently discovered the box fan by our bed and couldn't take her eyes off it either. She will sit there and watch the fan. It doesn't matter if it's on spinning or not. Here's a video of her watching the ceiling fan in the living room.

So those are some of the fun things we get to experience with her. Now some of the not so fun things. It appears Emma has refulx, colic, and constipation. The constipation is because of the formula from before. It makes her really gassy. That's the colic. The gas then pushes her food back up. That's the reflux. And because she's not getting all her food, it starts to build up--hence the constipation. Poor baby is just so uncomfortable. :( We also noticed a rash starting on Wednesday last week. Turns out that's called "prickly heat."

Poor baby. She is such a good baby but she is just uncomfortable. You can see it too in her face. Usually she can give us some heads up. She'll wimper and grunt for a while before she goes ballistic. But then there are those times when she can't give us any warning. It'll just hit her. She'll be fine one minute then BAM! Her face will scrunch up, contort almost as if she's in pain. It's pitiful. I feel so bad because we can't make it go away.

Which leads me to my next point. The hoops we recently had to jump through. Like I said, we took Emma to the doctor on Friday. She told us to try these colic drops and Prevacid. She even wrote us a prescription for it. We took it to the pharmacy by our house to get it filled. When we went back, they told us Emma wasn't on the insurance yet and it was going to cost us $370 for one month's supply!! SERIOUSLY?!? No way. We have the colic drops and decided to make that work--along with the gas drops I bought earlier in the week--until she was added.

Fast forward to yesterday. Her daddy handled the insurance issue in yesterday morning. At the end of the day, before her bath, she started getting REALLY fussy. I called the pharmacy and asked them to check to see if Emma was on the insurance yet. They told me she was, but now the issue is the insurance wants a "prior authorization." WHAT?!? Isn't that what a prescription order is? The doctor authorized this medication prior to us having it filled. I told Emma's daddy and he got on the phone with insurance. I was still on the phone with the pharmacy and they told me the doctor has to tell the insurance why Emma needs this medication. Really? It's an acid reflux medication. Why do you THINK she needs it?!?!? The pharmacy also ended up telling me it's because the insurance says there is a cheaper alternative they want us to try first. Emma's daddy told the insurance copy to call Emma's doctor today and have her tell them why Emma needs the meds. Hopefully this all gets settled today and we can go get her medication. I don't like seeing her like this.

It's so frustrating as a mom to not be able to make my baby feel better. And then to have to jump through all these hoops... you just want to reach through the phone and beat some sense into these people who won't help you make your baby feel better!

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Emmaleigh Grace

Emmaleigh Grace