I thought we would NEVER get a good shot of her little face! Every time I went to have an ultrasound done (either with a doctor or electively), she would always make sure she blocked her face! The first time we went to have the elective u/s done, she swiped at the tech! Kind of like she was telling us to leave her alone. LOL
I know this is already on here, but I just love this picture! LOL Total personality pic. |
The next time we went, it was for our 20 week ultrasound (medical one). At that one, she let them get the measurements they wanted, but she was not about to pose for any pics.
Then I went for what I thought was my last ultrasound, another elective one. I knew this place doesn't like to take mothers-to-be after 35 weeks, because by then the baby is so big and there's not a lot of room and you can't get any really good shots. So I went on 5/3/13 to see my little girl. And she was SLEEPING! Almost the entire time!
All curled up and cozy! |
But this time she was wide awake! It was almost like she was talking to us at one point. Her little lips kept puckering and moving. And she had the hiccups. haha She would kick me every time she hiccuped. It was definitely a funny feeling.
I went with her daddy, his mom, dad, stepmom, and little sister. It was the first time his dad, stepmom, and sister had been to one of these, so they were so excited. We kept saying what part looked like her daddy and what part looked like me. And his stepmom would say how such-and-such movement or moment was like when she was pregnant with Emma's aunt.
I think she's going to have her daddy's lips and chin. A head full of dark hair. My nose and cheeks. I can't wait to see what she looks like. If she looks like the images we got.
Our happy, smiling baby |
Profile picture |
She has her feet together |
Monster feet and toes! |
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