My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Monday, July 29, 2013

It was the best of times.... It was the worst of times

Yesterday was the most polar day since we have had Emma.

The early morning was a little hard. She woke up several times through the night wanting to eat. But then she wouldn't burp so we would be up for a long time. I can sometimes do one or the other in the night, but having both (up a lot *AND* up a long time each time) is hard!

We ended up getting up at 6:30am and feeding her another bottle. My guy and I were both up with her, playing around a little. We went to the living room and just were hanging out on the couch. I was EXHAUSTED, so my guy said he would take her for a bit. Apparently I passed out hard! LOL I woke up at 9am and thawed out a thing of frozen milk for him. I laid back down and was out cold again! 10:30 rolled around and I was finally human again.

I didn't realize how late it had gotten. Mainly because he had his PS3 on and the time on there said it was just 9:30am. As I was walking around with her throughout the house, I noticed a few things. Things that made me smile...

  1. The baby swing was going slowly. It proved I wasn't dreaming when I saw him laying on the floor in front of the swing by the window, playing with her. I was half asleep when I saw this, so I thought maybe it was a dream. 
  2. When he handed her to me, he asked if her diaper was right. I was still half-asleep, so I just took a quick look and said yeah. She's a tad too big for the newborn sized diapers, but the Size 1's are too big. It looked fine to me though. Then I took her to her nursery and noticed the little tub I keep on her dresser with all her diaper-changing things in it--it was on the floor by her little play mat. I remembered putting it back after her last changing. It took me noticing something by her baby-doll cradle (That'll be next) to realize that Daddy had actually changed her diaper! He usually has me do this, so that was amazing!
  3. The thing I noticed by her baby-doll cradle? There was my baby blanket covering a book. Now, I have NOT read to her in the glider yet. And I *KNOW* that blanket was in the closet the night before. That means... Daddy took her to her room and read her a book. :) Only sad part is I wish I could have seen it.
Those were the "Best of times" moments. Now for the "Worst of times" moments. Emma is definitely constipated. She cannot have formula at all apparently. Not milk-based. Not soy-based. She just cannot have it. It makes her so uncomfortable. She is fussy and sad... it's so heartbreaking seeing her hurting like that. You can see it in her face; she's trying to go and it hurts her. She'll try and then burst into tears. There are only a few things that make her feel better. If I put her in the Baby K'Tan and walk around with her, she usually calms right down. If I hold her really close and really, really tight--she calms down. If Daddy holds her for a while, she calms down. We can get her to sleep for a little bit and then it starts again.

I looked up all sorts of ways to make her feel better. Some seemed really weird, so I just waited until this morning to call the doctor. But last night, we did give her a really warm bath. I spent longer in there than I normally would, because a lot of my "mommy friends" recommended it. And it worked pretty well. At least for making her comfortable. It didn't loosen anything, but she was able to sleep from 9pm to 2am. She did want to stay up for about an hour after and play. We laid on the floor in her room on her little play mat, watching the fan go round and round. Playing with the little toys...Just letting her have some fun because we could.

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Emmaleigh Grace

Emmaleigh Grace