My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Sunday, December 2, 2012

When I first thought "Maybe..."

October 17th.

That was the day I thought I might be pregnant. It was two days after I ovulated (according to the phone app thing; 4 days by my calculations). I was at work and suddenly felt really weird. I felt like I had to burp; which is weird because I'm NOT a gassy person!

Then I took a sip of my beloved Panera Ice Tea and immediately spit it out! lol. Most people I know have to have their morning coffee, but I had always been an iced tea person. I thought maybe it was the store, so I went next door and got a Popeye's iced tea. Yuck. Stopped at McDonald's after work and again---spit it out. I got home and tried to like the Keurig brand I had bought a few days earlier and liked. Nope. I couldn't get the stuff to go down my throat.

As I sat there, I thought back to the day before. I had gone out with my boyfriend for our 4 month anniversary (just an excuse to get out of the house). We went to lunch and then he surprised me with a trip to Barnes and Noble. He knows the way to my heart! lol We ended up going to his mom's house and she had asked me to wear this skirt we bought in Vegas a few weeks earlier. I didn't love the skirt, but I had promised to wear it so I tried to find something to wear. My guy kept making faces about what I chose and I got really upset!! In the car on the way to his mom's, I ended up getting really mad at him. He asked if I was "about to break" (boy code) and I snapped. I said "Of course that's it!! It couldn't possibly be that you are being a jerk! It couldn't possibly be that you really shouldn't tell me everything I wear looks like crap!!.... Oh and by the way: You just used your boy-card for the Month!!" lol.
Looking back on it the next day, there was NO REASON for me to get that upset! None! And I never fight. I a TERRIBLE fighter. If I get angry, I cry. I don't yell. It's not something I do. So for me to actually yell at him was just WEIRD!

Then came the fatigue. It seemed like if I sat for more than 20 minutes, I would fall asleep. And not a little nap; but the "shake me til you wake me" kind of sleep. I didn't really get it.

I logged onto a baby website to see what symptoms I had and if it was even possible. Turns out.... it was VERY possible. Heck, even LIKELY that I was pregnant. What a shock!

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Emmaleigh Grace

Emmaleigh Grace